TAFC President’s Message

11 Oct 2019 by Chris Garagounis

Greetings to the friends and families of the Thornbury Athletic Football Club (TAFC).

After a long campaign that commenced 11 months ago, the 2019 season has now come to a close for all our competing junior squads.
I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank everyone who contributed to TAFC.
My gratitude extends to all the parents, friends, volunteers, coaches and team managers who put in an incredible amount of time to make it all possible. Your tireless efforts helped successfully launch the club’s junior program.
Your contributions, added-value and constant encouragement were greatly appreciated.
Given this year represented the club’s inaugural implementation of a junior program, there were naturally a number of hurdles that had to be overcome along the way. In business, this cycle is referred to as the Five Phases: Expansion, Peak, Contraction, Trough and Recovery.
With your continued support and drive, I believe season 2020 will be challenging, exciting but most importantly Fulfilling.

I am excited to announce that TAFC will continue to support and build upon the junior football program it initiated in 2019.
A component of the 2020 challenge will be incorporating and implementing a comprehensive junior training program.

At Thornbury Athletic FC we believe that:

My attitude determines my direction.
Success is the sum of all the small efforts, repeated day in and day out.
Focus, Discipline and Respect.
We will not be scared of Failure.

I am also excited to announce that we have received a great response from the ‘Expressions of Interest’. The responses include multiple boys and girls across various age groups.
TAFC will also be advertising for coaches and team managers to support these new squads.
Details for the upcoming Trials will be uploaded on TeamApp this evening. I encourage ALL current players to attend and build upon what you helped lay the foundations for in 2019.

Once again, thanks to everyone for all your assistance throughout the year and I look forward to catching up with you at the club’s Presentation Night.

Walter Costantini
(TAFC President on behalf of the Committee)

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